About Us
The Perles Law Firm, based in Washington, D.C., brought the first civil anti-terrorism case under the 1996 amendments to the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act. Today, Perles Law is one of the most experienced and successful firms practicing in this area.
Because sponsors of terrorism rarely honor U.S. court judgments, the Perles Law Firm has a robust judgment-enforcement practice. Perles Law, on behalf of its clients, has caused the turnover of billions of dollars in Iranian, Syrian, Libyan, Sudanese, and private assets to victims of terrorism. Our investigators are constantly at work unraveling the complex and obscure networks of financial support that are the lifeblood of terrorist organizations.
Additionally, the Perles Law Firm has worked with Congress and various administrations to repeatedly pass legislation updating the laws governing civil terrorism litigation. As repeat players, we are trusted experts in those parts of government with an interest in the world of civil counterterrorism.